Thursday, November 28, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages of Living in a Big City free essay sample

Big cities such as Jakarta, Melbourne or New York are great places where you can find many tall buildings, vehicles, recreational areas and various other things that cannot be found in small town or villages. (Bigcity, n. d. ) Most people prefer living in a big city because in a place where the economy is constantly growing and where anything is possible, it is significantly easier to find a good job with a better quality of life. However aside from the numerous advantages of living in a big city, there are also a few down points to living there. First of all, in a big city we can get what we cannot find in village or small town. For example, in a big city there are many malls, cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants and sport stations. Malls are really nice places to hang out with friends at because the buildings are designed in such a way that people feel comfortable spending large amounts of time in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages And Disadvantages of Living in a Big City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Customers are provided with a good service and they are able to find many products, not only the ones they need, but also the ones they want. Also people can taste a lot of different kinds of food from different provinces or countries. Secondly, schools in a big city is relatively more qualified and recognized than schools in small towns, and there are even schools with an international standard, which enable children to be more developed in different languages such as English, Chinese and many more. Thirdly, in a big city usually there are a lot of hospitals with advanced technology and better medical treatments because they recruit the doctors who are well-known in the country, and sometimes these hospitals even employ doctors from other countries. In short, patients are more likely to receive better care and treatments in a big city than in small towns. Next, travelling is much easier because in a big city there are good transportation systems such as airplanes, trains, buses, and others. Usually international flights are only available from major cities, as there would be bigger airports. The road systems would be better, hence the buses and trains would be able to service more people to greater distances, so it is relatively easier for residents to travel. Lastly, networking is not such a big problem in big cities, because a big city is where people from all over the world travel to and reside. It is more possible to socialize with and befriend people of different nationalities in a big city. (Shane62, 2010) However, living in a big city also has its disadvantages. For example, the high level of unemployment. As it is known, many people want to go to a big city to find a job but unfortunately it can be really hard because every year the population in these cities is increasing, which means there will be less jobs available. Next, the cost of living is very high. Land is very expensive as less land is available for building house or offices. Taxes are also higher. In small towns, people usually shop at traditional markets, which has fairly low prices. In big cities, the prices of foodstuffs are usually marked up, which means buying food is much more expensive in big cities than in small towns. Another major disadvantage is the terrible traffic conditions. Traffic jams usually happen in big cities, because big cities are often really crowded and nowadays people are more likely to use their private vehicles rather than using the public transportation. The more cars are out on the roads, the higher the possibility for congestions is. The next disadvantage is air pollution. The government keeps building high-rises and real estates that there is hardly any space left to plant trees and build parks. The large number of cars also contributes to the high level of pollution. As the emission from cars is not controlled, old vehicles produce a vast amount of smog that contain CO2 which in turn, causes global warming. (Shane26,2010) (Waxpoeticg,2013) To sum up, living in a big city has its advantages and disadvantages. However in my opinion, living in a big city is really good because one can get a good education, excellent healthcare, easy transportation and find many wonderful recreational facilities.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Bill Gates.

Essay on Bill Gates. The most interesting article that I have read lately has to be about Bill Gates and how he has lead his company into the number one spot in the world. He co-founded Microsoft in 1975 and served as its Chief Executive Officer form the time the original partnership was incorporated in 1981 until January 2000. He is recognized as the youngest self-made billionaire in history. Windows operating system is America's most used software on the majority of personal computers. It is obvious that it takes a certain type of person to successfully create and maintain such a profitable organization. The article talked about how such a man had dropped out of Harvard to chase his dream. Gates has always believed in his goal and has never stopped striving for perfection. His aim for fulfillment and his charismatic leadership has been a major key to Microsoft's success. Gates tells his employees what to do and they do it.Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum ,2007.They believe in him. Gates recognize s the need to have others, as well as himself, focus on the group's vision and he realizes that it is the leader's responsibility to inspire his subordinates by leading by example.Gates realizes that he needs followers help and support to create organizational and societal changes and he definitely sought the support and wisdom of others when in the process of building the company. He worked hands on with his fellow employees, identifying and correcting problems with software and continually setting and reaching long-term goals. Gates is such a charismatic leader and so extraordinary in his strategic insight that his subordinates idolize him and want to be like him. Gates uses extraordinary discretion when hiring applicants to work for Microsoft. He wants to ensure that every single person shares the same prospectus for the corporation,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Complete Guide on How to Write an Engineering Research Paper

The Complete Guide on How to Write an Engineering Research Paper Need to write a research paper on Engineering? First of all, it is necessary to get the considerable knowledge of the engineering discipline. Remember that the specific activity like research paper writing is aimed at obtaining new theoretical and practical knowledge of some principles according to which the nature exist, the society lives, and the way of thinking develops. In its turn, the research work on Engineering is characterized by such essential features: The presence of systematic knowledge (scientific ideas, theories, concepts, laws, patterns, principles, hypotheses, basic concepts, facts); The existence of a scientific problem, object, and subject of the research; The practical significance of the phenomenon (process) being studied. This is a quite challenging task to write a research paper that can be simplified after following some simple recommendations. This ‘how-to’ guide gives you some constructive ideas on: How to get started with the writing process; How to structure a detailed outline for a research paper with the required content of each part; How to use a formatting style needed, etc. The Preliminary Stage of Research Paper Writing Before you start your engineering research paper writing, it is worth to involve some tips which make the writing process more structured and, subsequently, easier to complete on time. Follow the schedule of how the research paper should be accomplished. The fundamental division of the work on research papers is based on the following 3 points: content of work; overall execution time; reporting of the execution. In successful researchers’ experience, six steps are essential to compose a paper in relation to this three-point principle: The selection of the thematic direction and coordination of the topic – 10% – fixing the topic of the research paper. The development of the task based on methods and means to realize the mission – 15% – printing statement of the task and receiving the teacher’s approval. The analysis of theoretical materials in the direction of research; study of the subject area – 10% – the design of the first and second sections of the research paper in electronic form; the registration of bibliography list in the electronic form. The elaboration of the conceptual and logical model of the software system – 35% – the implementation and specification of models; description of constructed diagrams. The development of the physical model and implementation of the software prototype – 15% – the development of a test case and electronic report on the user’s order of actions. The designation of an explanatory note – 15% – the printed explanatory note and finished software product on the portable data carrier. Essential Features of the Research Paper After getting an exact vision about the essence of engineering subject, you may turn to the next step – the choice of the research paper topic. For example, if the engineering field is applied to informational technologies, possible topics are as follows: Designing a Control System for the PC Operating Process; Creation of the Architecture for the Internet Forum; The Model of the Software Structure in the Internet Forum; Simulation of the Maintenance Station Software; Designing a Complex Training Program â€Å"Addressing in IP-Networks†, etc. The Initial Outline of Your Engineering Research Paper After the topic is approved and the pre-writing tips are considered, the next step is to complete the title page, a thesis statement, and the draft content plan or outline. All three may be alternated depending on the research process and appearance of the new facts. The next is the example of the structure of the research paper in computer engineering: Remarks That Apply Equally to Your Research Paper Writing The introduction is supposed to have the identification of the purpose, the task, the subject, the object, and the research methods (methodology). The purpose of the research paper is to study the peculiarities of modeling and analysis of the software complexes according to the definite theme of the research paper and via the CASE-technologies. Concerning the research paper tasks, they are as follows: The analysis of theoretical foundations in software modeling; The analysis and description of the usage requirements; The methods of functions and the system behavior modulating; The design of the object structure in the system; The physical modeling of the software systems; The coding out from the models. The subject of the study in the outline is the possibility to apply the CASE software design tools. The object of this research is the methods and means of designing the software and unification of the design process. During the process of working on the body paragraphs in the research paper, you can use the mono-graphic, analytical, mathematical, and graphical methods along with the object-oriented design and programming. All these are the research methods applicable to engineering science. Referring to the example of the outline, the following notes mark succinctly how the argument should flow in each paragraph and subparagraph: Subparagraph 1.1 contains a technical assignment for the graduation design. The oriented volume is up to three pages. Subparagraph 1.2 contains a comparative analysis of at least three software tools in the UML language (optional) + the tool to be implemented. Subparagraph 1.3 contains a description of the software requirements. The recommendation here is to build the chart with use cases. The requirements catalog and glossary are provided in the appendixes; the oriented volume is up to seven pages. Subparagraph 2.1 contains activity and status charts illustrating the behavior of the system and the sequence of the operations performed with the description. Subparagraph 2.2 contains component interaction charts, a collaboration diagram, and a sequence diagram for system usage options. Subparagraph 2.3 contains an object-oriented model of the software complex (class diagram) executed using the design patterns; the oriented volume is around seven pages. Subparagraph 3.1 contains the interaction of system components made using a component diagram; the oriented volume is equal to seven pages. Subparagraph 3.2 contains a description of the architectural structure of the system based on the deployment diagram; the oriented volume is also seven pages. Subparagraph 3.3 contains the order of code-generation software models and a description of the prototype system. The conclusion gives a brief list of the research results on the capabilities of the engineering project. The bibliography contains a list of all literary sources. The number of references should not be less than twenty-five. The appendixes list the requirements catalog, the glossary, generated code, the code of the implemented interface and other elements per the student’s â€Å"imagination.† When the works seem finished, there comes the time of checking all the grammar and structural relevance on the subject of their compliance with the professor’s demands. The Engineering Research Paper Writing Format Peculiarities Concerning the Additional Material It is worth to pay attention to some design features of the research paper: Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs should have the title in the form of heading. The text of the research paper is recommended to lead via an impersonal statement: â€Å"summing up the above,† â€Å"given in the work,† or â€Å"the research determines.† One has to adhere to a single terminology in the text of the research paper. The names of firms, factories, and organizations are not prohibited, but the individual marks should identify them. Formulas are arranged in the arabic numerals in the paragraphs. The formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula in the section separated by a dot. The number is indicated on the right side of the letter at the formula level in the round brackets, for example: (3.15) (fifteenth formula of the third section). The values of the symbols and coefficients included in the formula are given under by the formula. After the formula, the data is written without a colon after it; after it – the symbols and numerical coefficients are decoded in the sequence in which they are given in the formula. All illustrations in the research paper (drawings, diagrams, graphs) are called charts. They should be numbered within the sections (for example Chart 1.5, Chart 2.3). Each drawing must have a semantic title, which is written under the figure and indicate its number. All tables are numbered within the section. The table number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the table, separated by a dot, for example; â€Å"Table 2.2† (second table of the second section). The serial number is utilized to cite the table in the Research Paper (for example, Table 2.2). The title â€Å"Continuation of Table 2.2† is typed to continue the table on the new page. If the extension takes more than one page, the subject header does not repeat; all parts of the broken table do not begin with the reprint of the header, but a line with the numbering that replaces the column names. The vertical columns are numbered only in cases where references are given to them in the text or when the table continues on the next page. The table maintains the balance of its parts: the left side should not occupy more than a third of its format, and the height of the title – more than a third of the table height. The units of measurements are indi cated in the headings. It is desirable to place all illustrative materials immediately after referencing them. The tables and graphics material should be located so that they can be read without turning the sheet. If such an arrangement is not possible, the charts and illustrations are designed so that its reading would demand to set the sheet clockwise. Appendices appear after the last page with bibliography. When it is completed, you need to put a blank sheet of the paper and write â€Å"appendices† in the middle. There are no restrictions for the pages number here. You can specify both each of the available applications in the text with the respective pages. Appendices are indicated by the capital letters in alphabetical order. If necessary, the application can be split into sections. In this case, the section number of the application consists of the letter and the current section number separated by a dot. The appendix should have a generic title from uppercase letters symmetrically regarding the text of the page. On the right part above the headline, aligned in the middle of the lower case, the first capital letter must be written with the word â€Å"Appendix _† and the capital letter denoting the application. Attachments are a standard part of the work. All the illustrations, tables, and formulas available in the text of the application should be numbered within each application. For example, Figure A.1, Table B.2, Formula D.3. If the work contains the application documents (originals or their copies), which have independent values and are executed following the requirements of the report of the given type, then they are used in their work as examples. Write: â€Å"Appendix _† on the first page of the document with the shift to the right (if there is a place) and on the second line – its name. If there is no place, then a blank sheet of paper is placed in front of the application, where the number and the name of the application are written in the middle of the sheet. The pages of the document are indicated through the numbering. The number is placed in the lower right corner without a dot at the end. The in-text references to literary sources are given in parentheses or as footnotes, depending on the type of quotation – MLA, APA, Chicago Turabian, or Harvard. The parentheses or footnotes assist in identifying the source, given in the literature rubric. All references are listed in Bibliography. It is recommended to organize it either in an alphabetical order or the one mentioned in the text. These could range from the articles in scientific journals to the dissertations of other researchers and books on the subject. It is beneficial to choose books that contain some investigations, for instance, the works of: Lazar, Feng, and Hochheiser â€Å"Research methods in human-computer interaction† (2017); Reddy, Sridhar, and Rangadu â€Å"Knowledge based engineering: notion, approaches and future trends† (2015); Popovic, M., Mohiuddin, M., Tomozei, D. C., Le Boudec, J. Y. â€Å" The parallel redundancy protocol for IP networks: Protocol design and operation† (2016). Our Experts On the Final Lap of Engineering Research Paper Writing Congratulations! Now there is no doubt that you are ready to start this extraordinary journey – writing the engineering research paper. As a bonus, here you have some useful tips which prove the benefits of writing the research paper from the engineering subject: The systematization and consolidation of theoretical and practical professional knowledge, revealing the student’s ability to apply this knowledge in solving specific scientific, technical, economic, and production problems; Checking the student’s ability to independently master the use of the modern information technologies, software, and hardware of the computer technologies; The development of the student’s skills in conducting independent research and practical search, mastering the methodology of research and experimentation in solving problems and issues posed for course design; Consolidating the knowledge and skills of performing the graphics works and other design documents through the requirements and rules established by the official standards.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How I Failed at Promoting my Novel with Amazon Advertising

How I Failed at Promoting my Novel with Amazon Advertising How I Failed at Promoting my Novel with Amazon Advertising At Reedsy, we like to stay on top of new marketing opportunities for authors. We covered Product Hunt Books when they launched. Advertising on Amazon (via Amazon Marketing Services) is not â€Å"new†, however, it is still, largely, an untapped resource for authors. In this guest post, indie author Eliot Peper explains how he tried it out, and what the results were.Marketing is a fraught subject among novelists. It’s often seen as outside of our purview, and some look down on those who aggressively market their own work, seeing promotion as a corruption of the creative process. Historically, many authors outsourced their marketing to publishers along with other responsibilities like printing and distribution. But technology-driven changes within the industry are forcing authors to become ever more involved with marketing their books, whether because they’re self-publishing or because their publisher demands it.But novels are not a straight-forward product to promo te. I read about 50 books a year, and I don’t think I ever bought a novel because of a banner ad. Book PR firms have an abysmal track record. Most growth-hacking strategies borrowed from the tech industry simply don’t apply well to fiction. At the end of the day, there’s a single factor that determines a book’s financial success: word-of-mouth. Most often, we buy a book because a trusted friend recommended it.Some indie authors, like Andy Weir and Hugh Howey, have achieved blockbuster success without investing much direct effort into marketing. Others, like Mark Dawson and Nick Stephenson, have engineered semi-automated systems that introduce their stories to new readers and hopefully inspire additional word-of-mouth. My own activities fall somewhere in between these two extremes. When I’m writing and editing a book, it’s a purely artistic process. But once a book is published and out in the world, I look at it through a commercial lens just like any other product.As with other products, I’ve run a variety of marketing experiments for my books to see what works and what doesn’t. I serialized the first book in a trilogy and uploaded it to Medium and Wattpad; ran giveaways on Amazon that were promoted by Bookbub, Booksends, etc.; pitched journalists for coverage; partnered with publications; ran organic and paid social media campaigns; gave talks; published op-eds and guest posts; came on podcasts; and even created real websites and social media profiles for fictional characters and organizations from the books.So when I discovered that Amazon had created a new service to help authors and publishers promote their books, I decided to give it a shot.How Advertising works on AmazonAmazon Marketing Services (AMS) allows you to run campaigns that deliver ads to customers based either on their interests or on specific products they’re viewing. For example, you might target folks that love science fiction o r that are checking out the latest Stephen King bestseller. Amazon then displays the ads on specific product pages or on Kindle home screens.Depending on your settings, there are three main places where your ads may show up:In search results for a particular genre or interestEliot Peper (@eliotpeper) is a novelist and strategist based in Oakland, CA. He writes fast-paced, deeply-researched stories with diverse casts that explore the intersection of technology and society. His fourth novel, Cumulus, is a dark, gritty, standalone science fiction story set in a near-future Bay Area ravaged by economic inequality and persistent surveillance.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is It Important To Be Civilized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is It Important To Be Civilized - Essay Example Is It Important To Be Civilized? The use of civilization and connected notions are contentious because they may mean inferiority and superiority, and may also mean directionality to social transformations that may or may not be desirable or realistic. A civilized individual is one who has respect for other people, have an open mind, and treat others as he would expect of others. This paper will discuss if it is essential for an individual to be civilized. The paper will agree with Mark Rothko’s statement in relation to civilization. For a person to be successful in any field, he or she should be civilized. The individual should be well conversant with subjects from a number of fields. Nevertheless, civilization does not only mean to be educated. This is because a large number of individuals are not open minded or are not mindful of others. On the other hand, if a person is educated in a number of disciplines, for example, Sociology, Anthropology, Literature, Theology, Philosophy, Mythology, and Archeology, he or she would have a significant prospect on what it entails to be civilized. These subjects concentrate on the understanding that dissimilar cultures have their sole ways of how a person is civilized. Also, every nation and subcultures within nations contain specified techniques of teaching and defining what it entails to be civilized. For instance, the novel technologies introduced in 1994 contained tremendous promise for interdisciplinary subjects and specifically for American studies.

Industrial Relations in Asia-Pacific Region Research Paper

Industrial Relations in Asia-Pacific Region - Research Paper Example Multinational firms prefer the former country over the latter because of its superior infrastructure, population strength and per capita discretional spending. However, these firms generate positive as well as negative impacts over the local labor markets, through wage, export and productivity spillover effects. Multinational business firms have created greater job opportunities in the industrial and tertiary sectors of China and Indonesia. The labor rights of these countries have achieved global standards. However, many foreign firms outsource laborers through contracts and hence generate employability in a volatile pattern. Finally, the paper has evaluated that the labor force is managed for creating the biased, asymmetrical and perplexed response to the international firms. These responses can affect the local labor markets positively or adversely.  A labor market is a destination where the employers and workers relate to each other (Bama, 2004). In such a market, the employers intend to hire the best workers and in turn, the employees compete against each other to get the most satisfying job (Bama, 2004). In a modern economic system, the labor market operations are determined by the aggregate supply and demand for labor. However, the strength of employment demand and supply depends on the changes in the bargaining power of the employers and the employees. Flexible labor markets accompanied by low welfare costs are the primary symbols of economic growth in a nation. Social welfare is maximized under perfectly competitive market but the modern economies are governed by mixed economic principles.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ratification of constitution as a result of competing economic Essay

Ratification of constitution as a result of competing economic interests - Essay Example It establishes the fundamental principles of a national government that helps in joining the state in an effective political union. The constitution of the United States serves as an inspiring example making many other countries to emulate some of its provisions. Foner (2012) offered the economic interpretation of the constitution and according to him, the formation of the constitution was as a result of competing economic interests mainly between the federalists and anti-federalists. This paper analyses the debate over ratification of the U.S. constitution that came down to competing economic interests and the extent at which the context is persuasive or not The ratification of the U.S. constitution came down to competing economic interests that existed between the federalists and anti -federalists.This context can either be persuasive or not basing the argument on various explanations given as to why it was ratified. The federalists were individuals whose main economic interests we re connected to personal individual. They supported a strong centralized government and were in favor of the constitution drafting and ratification and they included groups of people like, bankers, merchants, shippers among others. They favored commerce and argued that a stronger federal government would bring about economic growth of the new country. Moreover, the federalist had a pluralistic vision of the society as opposed to anti-federalists this is because they viewed society as being composed of many different and competing interests and groups. An example of federalist doctrine is The Federalist Papers written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. These doctrines consisted of 82 essays and it was authoritative and great commentary on the constitution. They give a persuasive case for the need a central government for preservation of order and securing the liberty of a large republic. According to Madison ,there are two types of government, republican and democrati c and he preferred a republican one whereby the representatives elected by the people make decisions of government as opposed to democratic government whereby all the citizens are involved in decision making.Madson addressed the issue as to whether or not republican government brought about by constitution is capable of protecting the liberty of the citizens. For him the most problem of democratic government is what he referred to as faction and this problem can best be solved by a republican government by controlling its effects rather than tyranny. He argued that representatives would be more disposed to put into consideration the national interest ahead of a particular interest of the factions and argued that the nature of a large republic like U.S. is likely to naturally frustrate the abilities of a single faction so as to advance its own interests. Therefore the federal papers were in favor of the constitution and Madison saw the large size of United States as a help to the cau se of liberty rather than hinderance.The opponents therefore feared that the strength of the proposed national government would pose a threat to individual’s freedom. On the other, the anti-federalist was against the ratification of the constitution because they saw it as having many problems (Foner, 2012). The anti-federalists saw no need of overthrowing the government that existed as constitution would bring new and untested form of government. They feared that the constitution would

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Countering Counterfeit Trade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Countering Counterfeit Trade - Assignment Example Counterfeiting is a big business in the world today. It is so big that the total volume of counterfeit (and pirated) goods in the world exceeds the GDP of certain countries. The International Anti-counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) estimates this figure at around 600billion dollars per year. The sad fact is that the menace is growing and many countries and organizations negatively affected by it are quite helpless to find a solution to the menace. The IACC says that the growth of counterfeiting over the last twenty years has been about ten thousand percent. Astonishingly, one of the reasons behind this growth is the consumer demand for counterfeit goods. This paper is an assessment of the counterfeit auto parts industry in the United Arab Emirates in particular and the other countries in the GCC in general. In the process, the nature of the industry, costs to consumers and affected organizations, the reason why people buy counterfeit products (auto parts), some statistics, anti-counterf eiting groups, etc will also be reviewed. This will be followed by some recommendations on how this can be brought down (if not eliminated altogether) and a conclusion summing up the paper. It should be noted that most of what has been written here has been sourced from articles that appeared in the Gulf News and Khaleej Times. There are three types of auto parts available in the UAE namely original equipment, legitimate parts, and counterfeit parts. Original equipment is those made by auto manufactures or by approved original equipment suppliers. Legitimate equipment is those made by other companies sold in their own brand names and will usually be of good quality. They are not intended to cheat the customer. Counterfeit products are usually meant to cheat the customer into thinking that they are genuine.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Moral Dilemma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Moral Dilemma - Research Paper Example This essay implements both of these theorists’ perspectives, in characterizing the moral development of am eleven-year-old child named Jeremy. Jeremy is an eleven-year-old child who has been faced with a moral dilemma surrounding his actions on a test. The specific scenario is that Jeremy, who has struggled in math, has been promised an increase in weekly allowance if he improves in math by one letter grade. During a math exam, he decided to look on a couple of his peers’ papers and change his answers accordingly. He ended up getting a perfect score, raising his grade by a letter grade, and receiving an increase in allowance. While Jeremy has been successful in his pursuit of a higher grade, it’s clear that his actions constitute moral impropriety. As established, Jeremy’s actions in cheating on his text represent morally improper actions. Still, the question remains whether such immorality is an aberration or is an age appropriate indication of Jeremy’s stage of moral and cognitive development. These concerns have been examined by both Piaget and Kohlberg. Both of these theorists implement a developmental model with stages of the individual passes through (Douglas 1993). Kohlberg’s theory of moral development functions within the overarching context of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (Douglas 1993). In considering Kohlberg’s theory of moral development within the context of Jeremy’s situation, it’s clear that Jeremy is acting at an age appropriate level. Perhaps the prominent consideration in terms of Jeremy’s development is what Kohlberg terms the pre-conventional stage of development. For individuals at Jeremy’s age, the age appropriate level is the se cond stage of the pre-operational stage. According to Kohlberg & Lickona (1976) this stage is characteristic of acting in ways that directly benefit the self without disregard for larger moral concerns. It’s clear that

The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Example for Free

The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Consider the dramatic importance of the entrance of the Inspector in Act 1 and his exit in Act 3Â  Although the inspector does not enter until a while into the play, it is clear that his presence will shock the Birling family. The play is set in a house of a reasonable middle upper class family. The familys attire is very formal and displays to the audience the familys wealth. The entrance of the inspector brings a massive amount of dramatic irony and his entrance is immensely important to the views Priestley is trying to portray in the play. Likewise his exit lulls the family into a false sense of security. A sense of security that is promptly removed from them. The play is set in 1912,however it was written in 1945. Therefore Priestley uses the power of retrospect to plant clever irony throughout the play. I believe Priestley had a didactic purpose to tell a moral story as a product of the play. The props used are that of a typical wealthy household from the early twentieth century, however Priestley gives these normal objects a lot more emphasis. Birling is an extremely pompous and arrogant character. He has strong beliefs and is clearly not easily swayed in his views. It is obvious Birling has worked hard for his wealth and is excessively proud of his status in current society. Birling also stresses this numerous times to all the characters he is involved in dialogue with right through the play, For example I was lord mayor two years ago. The audience is shown immediately that Birling is a very proud person; Priestley uses dialogue to impact this on the audience. Birling basks in his high social status and is elated at the fact that his daughter is marrying above them, another building block for Birlings oversized ego. Birling also imposes long, drawn out speeches on the audience that turn out to be completely contradicted throughout the play. Birlings assumptions are proved to be wrong and things he thought would be an unrealistic joke actually become reality. For example, I gather theres a very good chance of a knighthood, so long as we behave ourselves. A typical example of how Birling is contradicted on a large scale as the play unfolds. The play is constructed very precisely; almost everything that comes from Birlings mouth is eventually reduced to nothing. Another good example is Birlings views on war nobody wants war he claims. Whereas both Priestley and the audience are fully aware that war does occur. Bringing with it more irony and adding to Priestleys constant mockery of Birling. Previous to the inspectors entrance, the atmosphere in the Birling household is highly warm, celebratory and comfortable. The family is celebrating a successful engagement that will result in the Birlings furthering their status. Birling is feeling confident and therefore he makes some smug, pompous speeches to his family. Almost everything he says is false in retrospect. Irony is increased, as Birling gives Eric and Gerald a speech on how to live their lives, the audience are aware that Birling should definitely not preach about this subject. The dramatic impact of the doorbell is immense and plays a huge role in the play as it interrupts a typical Birling lecture, symbolising the end of Birling being Top dog.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Discuss The Importance Of Service User Participation Social Work Essay

Discuss The Importance Of Service User Participation Social Work Essay Traditionally, people experiencing mental health problems were removed from society and placed in asylums across the country, indefinitely (Thornicroft and Tansella, 2002, pp. 84-90). Patients within the mental health system were expected to take a compliant role in the management of their care and leave the decision making to the professionals. In todays society that is not the case. In this assignment the writer will begin by exploring the publication Vision for Change while discussing the main theme of this publication which is the importance of service user involvement and the importance of empowering the service user in the mental health system of Ireland (Ireland, Dept of Health Children, 2006). To empower the service user requires the control of power to be transferred from the professionals to the now known Service User. The writer will discuss the effect of this change and the importance of this change within the mental health system. The Mental Health Act 2001 requested th e closure of many asylums and the move towards a community based model of care. The deinstitutionalisation of many patients and relocation back into the community required changes in the way the psychiatric nurse and service user operate. Evidence has shown the importance of service users participation in research, education and in practice through out the mental health care system. The writer in this assignment will discuss the importance of service user participation in the delivery of psychiatric nursing care, focusing on the nursing assessment using a holistic approach. Finally, the writer will discuss the importance of service user participation in the remaining stages of the nursing process; the nursing diagnosis, outcomes, planning, implementation and evaluation while exploring the need for a therapeutic relationship between service user and psychiatric nurse to complete the nursing process successfully. With people experiencing mental health difficulties, who now reside in the community, it is vital that service users become involved in the development and delivery of mental health services, such as self-help services, drop-in centres, and in providing assistance with activities of daily living. The aim of this is to sensitise society to the need of integrating people with mental health difficulties back into community life. As quoted in a Vision for Change; Service users must be at the centre of decision making at an individual level in terms of the services available to them, through to the strategic development of local services and national policy. To use a slogan of the disability rights movement: nothing about us, without us. To reduce the stigma attached to people with mental health difficulties the term patient was changed to service user, as most of the care they receive is provided in the community. The Mental Health Act, 2001 suggests the term patient is used to describe someone who is involuntarily admitted. Patient does not therefore refer to all individuals in an approved centre. In the Vision for Change it states that the correct way to describe someone with a mental health illness was to see the person before the illness, for example someone with anorexia nervosa was not to be described as an anorexic rather than as a person with anorexia nervosa. Stereotyping in mental health is as damaging as any other stereotype (Ireland, Dept of Health Children, 2006). People, who experience mental health difficulties, can be the experts through their own experience (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Psychiatric nurses remain the largest staff group involved in the provision of mental health care, (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Therefore, to ensure the mental health care service abides by legislation, it is vital for psychiatric nurses to re-evaluate their role to ensure priority is given to including the service user. An Bord Altranais recommend that a holistic approach is adopted and it is listed as one of the requirements in nurse registration education programmes (An Bord Altranais, 2005). It is fundamental that the service user participates in the nursing assessment especially where the holistic model of assessment is used. The biopsychosocial model uses a holistic view, addressing the biological, psychological and social factors contributing to a persons mental health problems. According to Boyd (2004, p.190) it proposes a person-centred treatment approach which addresses each of these elements through an integrated care plan agreed with service users and their carers and involves participation of the service user throughout the assessment. This assessment requires the service user to answer a series of questions, some being of intimate nature about themselves. This enables the assessor to obtain relevant information required in making a nursing diagnosis. To ensure accurate nursing diagnosis it is critical that the services user listens carefully to the questions asked and is completely honest when answering the questions. This process also requires the service user to be patient while the assessor records the data received. However, it is important to remember that an initial assessment can occur when a service user is first admitted into psychiatric care. According to Boyd (2004, p.194) the assessor must have empathy and an understanding of how difficult it is for a person to discuss intimate details of ones lifes to a complete stranger, even if it is in the persons best interest. Although the nursing assessment is the starting point of the nursing process, the writer feels that service users participation remains of equal importance throughout the nursing process. The freedom of information act 1997 requires that all services users can request access to any information stored about them. While, it is now a legal requirement for service users to be involved at all stages of the nursing process, the writer suggests that it is imperative that the service user is informed of the nursing diagnosis. This will empower the service user, by encouraging the service user to find relevant information regarding their diagnosis which can assist in them becoming experts of their own mental illness. Following the diagnosis it is required by law that the psychiatric nurses discuss all details of the outcome with the service user. The psychiatric nurse needs to ensure that the service users values and beliefs are priority when planning the outcome. If any treatment is deemed necessary for the road to recovery, then it is compulsory that the service user is capable of understanding the effects of the treatment proposed, this requirement is stated Under the Mental Health Act, 2001: the service user must be capable of understanding the nature, purpose and likely effects of the proposed treatment and the consultant psychiatrist has given the patient adequate information in a form and language that the patient can understand, on the nature, purpose and likely effects of the proposed treatments (Section 56). Factors for consideration include the capacity to comprehend and decide, risks involved, patients wishes to be informed, the nature of the procedure and the effects of information on the service user. The service user must be informed of the benefits of taking the medication prescribed, for what duration the medication is to be taken and what side affects may occur when taking the prescribed medication. Forcing an unwilling inpatient to receive medication has been considered an unnecessarily coercive, traumatic, and even punitive assault on a persons privacy. It has been stated that the patients refusal of medication is indicative of a gap between their experience and understanding of the medication and the intention of the prescribing physician. (Kaltiala-Heino et al, pp. 290-295) In todays mental health care system, many service users receive treatment in the community; therefore, it is critical that services users listen to information regarding their prescribed medication while raising any concerns they may have. Planning and the implementation stages of the nursing process are not possible without the involvement of the service user. Communication and agreement between the service user and the psychiatric nurse is necessary. Potential obstacles need to be pointed out, and methods of overcoming these obstacles, discussed. Potential risk areas for the service user needs to be discussed and a therapeutic risk assessment carried out by the psychiatric nurse to ensure the service user is not at risk or danger of harming themselves or others. Awareness of patients perceptions of their impaired quality of life gives psychiatric nurses important information for planning individually tailored interventions (Pitkà ¤nen, A. et al, 2008, pp. 1598-1606). Finally, the evaluation stage evaluates client progress and reviews plans in accordance with evaluated data in consultation with the client. Evidence shows that the evaluation of a services users experience is of vital importance in shaping the future of service users outcomes within the mental health service. It also enables the psychiatric nurse to take the necessary steps required to ensure that the individual service user is satisfied with the service received. The Department of Mental Health, UK stated that the experience of service users, including those from black and minority ethnic groups, is a recognised national marker in the performance of the UK mental health services. In 2006, the UK National Service Framework (NSF) in line with the Mental Health Unit of the Regional Office for Europe carried out a systematic review of empirical service user views and expectations of UK-registered mental health nurses. Feedback from this review was both positive and negative, with servi ce users holding mental health nurses in high regard. However; feedback also reveals that there was a strong need for nurses to be more effective in interpersonal communication and relationship building, whilst spending more time with the service user (Bee et al, 2008, pp. 442-447). Throughout the nursing process it is necessary for a therapeutic relationship to exist between the service user and the psychiatric nurse to. Relationships are central in fostering and maintaining hope (Byrne et al 1994). Psychiatric nurses are required to have a genuine interest in services users, listening in a non judgemental way to what is being said. In a user-led study evidence has shown service users identified the importance of therapeutic relationships and how they inform patient experiences. Communication was highlighted by all participants as necessary. One participant in the survey quoted; As soon as you come they can see that you are angry. Then someone will say, sit down, lets talk about it, make a cup of tea. Failure to establish a therapeutic relationship between the service user and the psychiatric nurse can result in negative patient experiences. Participants identified coercion as the main reason for failure to establish a therapeutic relationship (Gilburt, H. et a l, 2008). Conclusion: The writer in this assignment briefly exposed the treatment of patients within the mental health care prior to the introduction of the Mental Health Act 2001 and the publication of Vision for Change. Then, the writer discussed the major changes within the Mental Health Services as a result of this act and publication. The Mental Health Act 2001, focused on the closure of many asylums and a community based model of care to be adopted, however, both the Mental Health Act and the Vision for Change also focus on the importance of service user involvement and empowering the service user. The writer demonstrates how a new psychiatric and service user role was required to adapt to policy changes within the Mental Health Service and to ensure all parties were adapting to policy requirements that aims at service user involvement at all stages, thus; empowering the service user. The writer reports how the publication Vision for Change also hoped at reducing stigma by aiming to involve services users in developing and delivering mental health services. The writer mentioned the importance of service user involvement in research, education and practice, while focusing on the practice area by exploring the nursing process, starting with the assessment. Evidence is clear that it is not possible for a psychiatric nurse, even with the necessary skills required to proceed with the nursing process without the participation of the service user at all stages. The writer concluded this assignment by exploring evidence which reveals that service users regard a therapeutic relationship and good communication between the service user and the psychiatric nurse of high importance.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Irish Culture Ireland is deeply rooted in its culture. Architecture and dance are just two aspects of their culture. The Gaelic League is a major part of why Ireland got to share its traditional dance with the world. Architecture in Ireland evolved from simple to beautiful and grand over the Saxon, Norman and Medieval time periods. The earliest written record of dancing was in 1520 with the use of the word ‘damhsa’ or ‘dance’ in English (Whelan 9). The country dancing that was popular until the 17th century is said to have â€Å"spread from England into Ireland† (Whelan 10). However, during the late 17th century, the term ‘jig’ began being used for the Irish dance (Whelan 10). The jig is the more modern term to describe the dancing of Ireland. It is a wonder that the technique of Irish dancing was so uniform all around Ireland. The greatest contributors to the spread of the technique of Irish dancing were the Old Irish Dancing Masters. The masters are the ones who made everything come together. They developed â€Å"the footwork for the solo dance† as well as teaching and directing the uniformity and discipline for the group dances (Whelan 11). The masters would travel around the country staying at a lump of time ranging from nine days to six weeks (Whelan 11). He was always â€Å"accompanied by a piper or fiddler† that would play the music while he taught (Whelan 11). Barns were constructed on farms prior to his arrival with the trade that the farmer’s children would receive free lessons (Whelan 12). The most basic lessons the master taught were â€Å"the rising step of the jig and the side step of the reel† (Whelan 12). More of the students were children and picked up the movements fairly easy . However, if the students were having difficulty, th... ... in the shape of a cross. Tall lancet windows also marked this time period (Archer 288). Eastern Ireland had more elaborate and intricate designed churches due to the influence of England. Unfortunately, not a lot of churches stayed in good condition due to the â€Å"suppression of the Catholic church during the 18th century† and are more ruins than anything (Archer 288). Ireland was influenced by many countries but mainly from England. It is traced and seen over time that England was the country that brought a lot of things to Ireland first, but the Irish quickly adapted and make it their own. Architecture improved and mainly saw growth within the churches. There were Romanesque and Gothic styles that continued to be seen within the church structures. Irish dance spread all over the world due to emigration. Europe and North America were greatly influenced by Ireland.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Value of the University Maintenance Staff :: Informative Essays

Beep, beep, beep, smack. You wish you could hit the snooze button on your alarm because it’s 5 o’clock on a Monday morning. Part of you wants to sleep a few more hours, but the other part tells you it’s time to go to work. You eat breakfast, kiss your family goodbye, and arrive at the University campus in time to start your shift at 7 a.m. After seeing the friendly faces of your co-workers and friends on staff, you think to yourself, â€Å"Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.† Your mood changes when you see the mess that has been accumulating in the bathrooms over the weekend. Once you’ve opened the door, you grimace as you are taken aback by a familiar stench which you’ve come to recognize as a combination of alcohol, vomit, urine, and smelly garbage. The trash bag looks nearly empty, as it appears that most of the trash never made it there. In the girls’ bathrooms, the feminine disposals are overflowing, and there is hair all over the floor and in the showers. In the boys’ bathrooms, the showerheads are missing, the drains are clogged, and you sigh as you dread looking into the bathroom stalls. Sure enough, one toilet is completely clogged, another one is plastered with vomit, most likely from someone’s poor decision to drink the night before, and the floor of the third stall is covered with wet toilet paper, a mess that you’re not surprised to find after looking in the first two stalls. What seems like hours later, once the bathrooms are spotless again, students begin to come in to use the showers and restrooms, unaware of the mess that was there a few hours earlier. The students have failed to realize the mess that was left, because they have taken for granted that the bathrooms will be clean when they use them. As the students shower, you return to the utility closet to grab the tools you need for your next chore. You are stunned when you read the obscene message a student left for you on your dry erase board. You feel like this is a slap in the face after you just spent your whole morning cleaning up their messes. Though this description is hypothetical, these events are based on stories told by JMU housekeeping employees.

Jack nelsons problem Essay

There are some problems in bank’s home office and branches. These problems have some cause. From what I noticed from the case above, there are mainly three problems that caused the problem in the bank’s home office and branches. Firstly, the home office does not provide any training for employees. That’s why when Jack Nelson was introduced to the entire employee in the home office; he was introduced to Ruth Johnson. Ruth Johnson working for two months but she does not know about the machine that she was using. But she operates the machine properly. Organization did not oriented and trained her properly. If organization trained her well Johnson will clear about her job and responsibility. Secondly, there are lack of communication among the branches between supervisor and employees. The main issue in this case is employee turnover was high during past eight years, as a result supervisor tried to find a suitable employee to replace the worker who had quit. We know that employee turnover is a costly expense especially in lower paying job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest. There was no standardization of recruitment process in organization. They had also lack of communication process. Because all branch office hired employee without communicate whit their home office. Lastly, the bank home office does not have Human Resources Department. Most of the problem that appeared in the case is related to employees’ issue. Therefore, having a HR department can reduce the issue regarding employees among the branches and home office. Question 2: Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help? Answer:  HR unit would help main office in many ways. Setting up an HR department could help a lot in the main office because the main purpose of why HR department is available in a company is because they are in charge of all the employees by recruiting, provide training, appraising, and compensating them. This bank’s major problem is employee turnover. If they set up a Human Resource unit in the main office, this unit will control the recruitment process; they will also build up good communication with their  internal employee. At present bank have no specific policy for managing. HR unit give them a structural policy, which help them. HR unit will analysis the job and they will hired the right person for the right job. Additionally, HR department is important to all managers in the main office. There are many advantages of having a HR department in the main office. Firstly, it can help to prevent hiring wrong person for the job in main office. For example, people who have engineering background may not suitable for working in a company but more suitable in a factory. Secondly, whenever there is a high turnover of employees, HR department can help to reduce it because they can tend to recruit employees and train them to be more committed to the main office. Thirdly, when an employee’s performance is low then, HR department will take action of transferring the particular employee to training or counseling so that, can find out the problem within that employee. So setting up an HR unit would definitely help the main office. Question 3: What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by supervisors and other line managers? Answer: The functions an HR Unit should carry out are given below: Job analyses, Planning employee needs and recruiting, Providing advising and training in the selection process, Orientation of new employees, Managing wage and salary administration, Managing incentives and benefits, Providing and managing the performance appraisal process, Organization-wide communications, Providing training & developing services. Supervisors and Other Line Managers should carry out the functions given below: Interviewing and selection of job candidates, Training new employees, Appraising performance, Departmental & personal communications, Training & development.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Acct 504 Case Study 2

ACCT504 – Accounting and Finance: Managerial Use and Analysis| Case Study 2| Evaluation of LJB Company’s Internal Controls| | [Type the author name]| Due: Feburary 10, 2013| Table of Contents Paragraph Introduction1 Accounting regulations2 Establishing a Control Environment3 Segregation of duties4 Segregation of record keeping form physical custody 5 Policies for petty cash6 Pre-numbered invoices 7 Distribution of paychecks8 Hiring policies9 Independent internal verification 10 Conclusion 11The following is an evaluation of LJB Company’s internal controls, based on the information provided by the President of the company in an effort to prepare his company for the requirements needed to be a publically run company. First, I will establish the legal requirement needed and the importance of internal controls for an organization. Then I will review the current policies and establish better internal controls for each area of concern. Once these policies have been ins tituted by the LJB Company, they should be ready to proceed with their plan to go public.There are many accounting regulations required by a public company. All accounting reports must follow the FASB and SEC guidelines. However, the newest accounting guidelines fall under the Saranes-Oxley act of 2002. The Act mandates reform to improve financial disclosure from companies and to reduce fraud. It requires that senior management must verify the accuracy of the reported financial statement. Plus it requires that management and auditors maintain a system of internal controls and report the methods of these controls.If the company doesn’t comply with the requirements, they could be subject to hefty fines. Before establishing internal controls, it is essential that the company establishes their control environment. The company’s management must clearly outline its goals, standards and ethics since they â€Å"set the stage† for the atmosphere and integrity for the ent ire organization. With the control environment in place, management can then implement its internal controls. I will review what control activities the company is doing right and what the company will need to change.The following control activities will be reviewed; segregation of duties, establishment of responsibility, adequate documents and records, physical control over assets and records and independent checks on performance. Currently, the LJB Company has one person who serves as the Treasurer and Controller. His responsibility includes purchases and paying for all of the supplies. This policy leaves the company venerable to fraud and increases the chances of errors. The company must establish a segregation of duties.Responsibilities should be separate, so no employee should be in the position to both make and conceal errors or fraud in the normal course of their duties. Therefore, I would recommend one person should be in charge of purchasing the supplies and that all purchas es should be approved by a supervisor. Another person should be in charge of paying for the supplies and verifying that the purchase is accurate and approved. This should reduce the risk of undetected errors and limit the opportunity for fraudulent behavior.In addition to the purchasing/paying duties, the accounting person also receives the checks and completes the monthly bank reconciliation. When one individual is responsible for both activities, the potential for errors and irregularities is increased. There should be a segregation of record keeping form and physical custody. The accountant should not have custody of the checks and be responsible for the monthly band reconciliation. There should be a policy in which the work is either separated or reviewed by a supervisor. Next, I will review the company’s policy for petty cash.The current system allows every employee access to the cash and they are only required to leave a note if they remove any funds. This policy violat es many proper internal control activities. The company needs to establish who is ultimately responsible for handling the petty cash. Only authorized personnel should have access to the funds. Expenses paid from the petty cash fund can only be made for the purpose the fund was authorized and must be supported by a receipt. When it is not in use, the petty cash box must be placed in a locked safe or cabinet.An independent count of the receipts and cash on hand must be performed regularly by an accounting officer or supervisor. The new policy of using pre-numbered invoices is an excellent way to insure that all documents are accounted for. It will also help errors such as, entering the record in more than once or missing entries entirely. Any gap in the numerical sequence may indicate a problem and possibly catch errors. I would also recommend the purchase of indelible ink machine to print checks. This will insure that the ink cannot be erased or washed away for fraudulent use.Next we will review the controls set up regarding issuing paychecks. The current procedure has the accountant picking up the paychecks and leaving them in his office for pick up. The checks are locked into a safe if he leaves for the weekend. When you pay employees, certain controls are needed to reduce the risk of fraud or errors. Whenever possible, the accountant should hand the checks directly to the employee, and always lock up undistributed paychecks. Another solution would be to have your employees set their paychecks to be automatically deposited directly into their personal bank account.The next step is to review your hiring policies. I would recommend counting the policy of having both the President and the accountant interview and make decisions on hiring an individual. However, I would also recommend implementing the following policies. If an employee handles cash, the company should have that employee bonded to protect the company from theft. A thorough background check should be run on each employee. All credentials should be verified by phone or by receiving a copy if applicable. After the employee has been vetted, be sure to cross train employees.This will be useful when you require employees to take vacations and rotate employee’s duties. All of these practices should lower the risk of employee theft. To ensure the reliability of the accounting information, an employee’s duties should be verified by others who do did not do the work themselves. I would also recommend that the company sets up a system for an independent internal verification. The company should audit data prepared by an employee periodically. This person should be independent of the activities or department of the person being audited.All discrepancies will need to be reported to management, so corrective action should be taken. In conclusion, establishing a system of internal controls will create a system of checks and balances that will reduce fraud, errors, increase ef fectiveness and insure they are fully compliant will all laws and regulation. Each internal control is the means by which an organization’s resources are directed, monitored and measured. These recommendations will help the company establish specific policies and procedures they will need to reach their goals of becoming a publically traded company. Resources

P&G in Japan

Why was SK-II so successful in Japan? Statement: By based on research of Japanese market, P&G made clear targeting and positioning, and developed new products which fulfilled customers’ needs, built the effective distribution. As a result, P&G could establish differentiation advantages for the following. †¢ Product: â€Å"Foaming massage cloth† , Elegant dispensing box â€Å"Foaming massage cloth† increase skin circulation through a massage while boosting skin clarity due to the microfibers’ ability to clean pores and trap dirt. Price: Premium price †¢ Place: Luxury and nice counter at department store †¢ Promotion: Counseling by Beauty counselor, TV advertising, Beauty magazines Description Targeting Positioning Affluent women aged over 30s Prestige skin care Premium price R&D team: Market research > catches up demanding Japanese women, Develop Technology > excels Japanese competitors Sales: Training > beauty counselors, Promotion > Counter design Capability Q1. contd. What was the business model behind the success? Statement: SK-II ’s success is not only prestige skin care product or advanced technology but also its marketing approach to build the New brand.P&G succeeded to connect between the core technology or product concept and local market. Through Japanese market among the world’s toughest competitors, P&G developed potential source of innovations. In addition, SKII ’s marketing strategy built a new approach, Market research, Concept, Packaging, Positioning, Communications strategy. It was a big challenge that P&G shifted from Mass marketing, such as Olay brand, to Class marketing. SK-II ’s marketing strategy Description Market Research Concept Packaging Positioning Communication strategy Find the customer needs, habits Japanese women’s needs: sensitive with skin condition abits: five or six step cleaning Classify customers, Specify attractive market Affluent women aged over 3 0s Define the customer value Prestige skin care Product design Build the differentiation Premium price Advertising feature the targeting customers Design counter and installation Resource R&D Marketing R&D Marketing Technology Marketing Brand Sales force Channel Advertising Q2. How transferable is the model? †¢ The SK-II’s business model based on through production, advanced technology, marketing research and customer behavior.From this point if P&G Japan want to enter foreign market using this model they should exploit by exporting or by direct investment. Either case business model is transferable. But main concern is the model could be successful as in Japan? SK-II’s success had been achieved in a culture where the customers, distribution channels, and competitors were different from in China and Europe. For example: Japanese customers more educated, average Japanese women spent 4. 5 minutes on her face cleansing regime, and most sophisticated users of beauty p roducts in the world.Other hand in China customers due to Olay’s education recently moved from a one-step skin care process to a three-step cleansing and moisturizing process. But unlike China, Europe had a large and sophisticated group of beauty-conscious customers who is already practiced a multistep regimen. As we see it is model is transferable but they have to modify some of models characteristic depending on customers behavior, competitors and market factor. P&G Japans competitive advantage is firm-specific but SK-II’s advantage is country-specific. How to transfer SK-II:China Advantage The company had led with beauty products when entered this huge market Many woman took their fashion cues from Tokyo Wealthy China concentrated in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou Prestige beauty-counselor, TV advertisement Europe European customers are educated and already using multistep regimen. Also fine-fragrance business was beginning to do well Mass- market Cost of televisi on or print ads in Europe prohibitive. But sales force staff selling directly to department stores. †¢ †¢ Target Promotion Q3. What should P&G ‘s expansion strategy be in rolling out SK-II? We recommand P&G to directly invest in this market by focusing only on Marketing and Distribution to roll out SK-II (a special product) in a foreign market. It should not be an advantage for P&G to acquire subsidiaries, or to license or to franchise because resources and capabilities of SK-II are located in Japan. It would be difficult to find same raw materiels to produce SK-II in another country. Exporting SK-II in a foreign market will be better, for that they should emphasize on: †¢ Differentiation advantage, †¢ Changing customer behavior, †¢ Product positionning, †¢ Pricing policy, †¢ Advertisement, †¢ Counseler team†¦Q3. Contd. Which country should be the priority? Porter national diamond analysis Supporting Industries Superior in-store inf rastructure Counseling counters Cosmetic R&D centre MDO, Max factor Strategy, Structure and Rivalry High number of domestic competitors with high innovation. Tough competition Presence of prestigious foreign brand Intense, established, well respected , high experience and famous competitors Limited competitors in high-cosmetic market which can lead to low innovation and learning improvement as well as an opportunity to easily reach a huge market for P&G Country Factor ConditionDemand Conditions Japan High R&D technology and innovative. Skin care Educated labor force Home-grown resources comparative advantage Sophisticated and wealth customers Slow market growth trend High potential in other skin care solution Sensitive to the quality of the product Sophisticated customers New kind of advertisement Educate costumers: to help them know what is SK-II, and how to use it 30-40% cosmetic industry growth China’s P&G skin care sale showed 28% growth rate High return on investment Goo d positioning and targeting to reach wealth costumers Differentiation advantage Home grown skin care technicians.High labor cost Europe High retailer network MDO China Beauty assistance for premiumcounter cosmetic New product that will involve changes in costumers behavior (innovative product) High growth in retailing such as increasing number of department stores. More counters and and beauty counselors MDO CHINA should be P&G’s priority. A biggest market near to P&G Japan and opportunity to expand P&G extensive technological ressources Beijing and shanghai are best location to reach an elite consumer but counterfeit is a huge problem Rigidity of the system is a characteristic of Chinese governement, high import duties 35 to 40 %China China MDO covered by GBU A Target to acces to prestigious customers and a new research field concerning SK-II (unmet need) , a second security base in Asia regarding the instability of Japanese market Differentiation advantage , SK-II is consid ered as a premium product Sales may be $ 10 to $15 million over first 3 years against $1 to $1. 5 million of losses over 3 years Q4. What is your assessment of Jager’s strategic initiative? Why did he emphasize worldwide innovation? How does the initiative address barriers to worldwide innovation and learning?The strategic initiative denominated Organization 2005 aimed to expand P&G worldwide presence. By separating the organization in business units, service functions and market segments (MDOs) the company achieved ability to focus on exploring market potentials. Innovation was a major point of the initiative and helped P&G to obtain a rapid development of new products globally. With this initiative, P&G could develop competitive advantage by identifying emerging needs in different places while responding to them through internal capabilities and diffusing the outcome to the rest of the business.Several management changes in the company supported the initiative: †¢ Cult ure Changes: (cultural revolution within P&G): Company culture was slow, conformist and risk adverse, making P&G vulnerable to competition. By changing norms and practices, Jager created a culture which encourages risk taking, faster decisions and innovation. This change was fundamental to achieve a fast worldwide innovation mechanism within P&G. Processes Changes: Employees compensation became focused on performance, reinforcing risk taking culture.Also, by extending the reach of the stock option plan to all employees, a positive sense of ownership was created among P&G workers. Organization Structure Changes: Global Business Units (GBUs) assumed responsibility for profit, product development and marketing of their respective categories worldwide. Through this modification, P&G was able to delegate responsibilities for developing and rolling out new products. Standardization in manufacturing was achieved, bureaucracy was eliminated and accountability increased. Nevertheless, the ch ange created a complex organization structure were relationships were not clear.Managers had to adjust to this change. †¢ †¢ In general, the initiative allowed P&G to adapt core technologies or product concept to local markets, facilitating easier market penetration. Q4. Contd. What is your assessment of Jager’s strategic initiative? Why did he emphasize worldwide innovation? How does the initiative address barriers to worldwide innovation and learning? The emphasis in worldwide innovation was held because Jager identified that without a major- in country product development capability, P&G could not respond to the Japanese customers demands and competitors.Product development was needed, not only in Asia’s markets but even worldwide, to avoid the Japanese experience in new markets. He wanted to address: †¢ newer consumer trends †¢ new technologies that may be developed in various parts of the world. Worldwide innovation and learning barriers were a ddressed with integrated business planning process, organization structural change to improve communication, and learning sharing through GBUs and MDOs.Identifying and recognizing different customer’s needs and addressing them through new product development processes has become an objective of P&G after restructuration, addressing innovation through learning. Q5. As Paolo DeCesare, what would you recommend to the Global Leadership Team in your SK-II presentation? What is the set of factors you would consider in developing your recommendation? We would like to recommend P&G GLT to expand in China for SKII product line.Factors influencing the recommendation: Potential Market Size: Determine the market size, growth potential in future Product Fit: How the product fits into the market, define our unique selling point Product Competitiveness: know the competitors, Bargaining power of customers, suppliers, threat of any product substitute Entry Strategy: find barriers to entry, kn ow Country rules and regulations, Access to distribution channels Timing of entry: product climate for beauty related products Cultural differences: Different consumer behaviors / workplace practices Administrative constraints: Local content, preferences for domestic competitors in the form of subsidies and favoritism in regulation and government procurement Economic differences: Consumer incomes, cost and quality of natural resources, cost and quality of human resources Q5. contd. What would be your supporting reasoning for the recommendation?Potential Market Size: Japan Market Growth is becoming saturated, so globalizing SK-II in a growing market is advantageous China: 1. 2 billion population, the largest available market, Annual growth rate: high 30 – 40% Product Fit: SK-II is able to supersede Olay as the premium skin care choice in China, and counter the entry of non-mainland retailers carrying Olay as a discount product Product competitiveness: SK-II will be in a less c ompetitive market in China than it faces in Japan, or might encounter in Europe Entry strategy: The China entry strategy of test counters in Shanghai is promising Timing: Good timing as China economy is growing and more awareness among affluent society for beauty related products

Friday, November 8, 2019

awefull episode essays

awefull episode essays 2 years ago when I worked in the ward office, a citizen called to the office to report that oil was leaked in the river. Leaking oil was the biggest problem to us because it was extremely hard to eliminate. So we were in state of high tension. I went the scene of accident and started survey how much oil flowed out, and where it was flowed out from. I investigated grasses and bank and every corner of the river. Finally, I found a trace that little oil flowed out from a drain. We had to go into the drainage to get more specific information and to find the source of the leak oil. The drainage looked very dark and dangerous. But everything we had is just electric torch and long boots and mask. So I was very scary. But on the other hand I had some expectation of first adventure into the underground. We equipped with long boots and mask and electric torch. Finally our adventure of finding traces of leaked oil was started. But right after I put my foot into the drainage, I could feel that this trip would not be exiting. I got some ominous presentiment. Inside of the drainage was so dark. Moreover, there was full of strange smell. I wondered where the smell came from because the drainage was only for rain water. The deeper we went into the drainage, the darker the drainage became. About 30 minutes after we put our foot into the drainage, the weird smell became stronger than the entrance. I had still searched the traces of oil in the drainage. We used our hands and eyes to find oil. We touched every doubtful thing and lighted up it to confirm whether it was oil or not. Traces of oil were along the drainage. Therefore we had to go along the drainage with checking. The deeper we went into the drainage, the larger my ominous feeling became. Suddenly I grabbed something soft. I got the gooseflesh without any certain reason. I lighted up the unknown thing. The color was white with flesh color. The size was about 20cm. The weight was about ...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Skills Will You Need in the Future

What Skills Will You Need in the Future What Skill Will Be in High Demand in the Future What would your life looked like in ten years? If you had a chance to take a glance into the future, I bet you’d find yourself pushing forward the career of your dreams. Though, constant mechanization of the working process and replacement of the human resources by computers and various automatic systems add fuel to the fire of the world’s panic attack on career opportunities. Before you throw over your laptop and rush to sign up for each and every skill-training courses, such as cuisine or management classes, stop for a second and give it a thought. What if you already have necessary skills to pursue a new career? Knowing how to cook ravioli or making a worthy PowerPoint presentation will definitely come in hand to get some extra income or for your personal boost, it may occur that your degree has already given you the skills and abilities you need to possess. The Atlantic has published a report highlighting the six most crucial features driving the labor opportunity market of 2025. The growth in impact of the digital world, the ability to examine big data and interpret it, figuring out an applied aspect and cross-world interactions are outlined as the engine of progress of the employment criteria in the future. Technical Thinking: Do We Understand the Numbers? The technological progress is now flourishing faster than we could ever imagine, providing the humanity with outstanding accomplishments in all fields of science and everyday life, heading to the apogee of the engineering thought. Though, computers provide us with great amount of data, the understanding of what the given numbers mean and their interpretation leaves much more work to complete. The ability to analyze the information and numbers will remain in priority. Social Intelligence and Cross-world Collaboration The same way a small group project or any team work require decent directing and managing skills, larger and broader companies and institutions have a strong need in administrating and supporting the international collaboration and keeping the world web interactions in sustainable order. Flexibility and Quickness of Thinking The basic marketing approaches will be always in demand as long as there are products and customers. Though, analyzing the target audience and keeping track of novelties and mainstreams in the society will not remain the only resources for marketing departments. In order to be on top, the ability to get ahead of other players is absolutely crucial. The speed rate of the decision-making and awareness of the significance of the presentation to the investors and shareholders will determine the level of success of your work. Working with a market implies a great deal of ingenuity. A Mindful Design Process There’s a big variety of development techniques for successful project management. Obtaining at least a couple of such techniques in your arsenal will lead ahead in managing any working processes. Understanding the software development life cycle is a great ability the employers are already looking for in their employees.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Brief Overview of Émile Durkheims Role in Sociology

A Brief Overview of Émile Durkheim's Role in Sociology Who was Émile Durkheim? He was a famous French philosopher and sociologist known as the father of the French school of sociology for his methodology combining empirical research with sociological theory. The following outlines his life and career and his published works. Early Life and Education Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) was born in Épinal, France, on April 15, 1858, to a devout French Jewish family. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had all been rabbis, and it was assumed that he would follow their lead when they enrolled him in a rabbinical school. However, at an early age, he decided not to follow in his familys footsteps and switched schools after realizing that he preferred to study religion from an agnostic standpoint as opposed to being indoctrinated. In 1879, his good grades got him into the École Normale Supà ©rieure (ENS), a well-regarded graduate school in Paris. Career and Later Life Durkheim became interested in a scientific approach to society very early on in his career, which meant the first of many conflicts with the French academic system- which had no social science curriculum at the time. Durkheim found humanistic studies uninteresting, turning his attention from psychology and philosophy to ethics and eventually, sociology. He graduated with a degree in philosophy in 1882. Durkheims views could not get him a major academic appointment in Paris, so from 1882 to 1887 he taught philosophy at several provincial schools. In 1885 he left for Germany, where he studied sociology for two years. Durkheims period in Germany resulted in the publication of numerous articles on German social science and philosophy, which gained recognition in France and earned him a teaching appointment at the University of Bordeaux in 1887. This was an important sign of the change of times and the growing importance and recognition of the social sciences. From this position, Durkheim helped reform the French school system and introduced the study of social science in its curriculum. Also in 1887, Durkheim married Louise Dreyfus, with whom he later had two children. In 1893, Durkheim published his first major work, The Division of Labor in Society, in which he introduced the concept of anomie, or the breakdown of the influence of social norms on individuals within a society. In 1895, he published The Rules of Sociological Method, his second major work, which was a manifesto stating what sociology is and how it ought to be done. In 1897, he published his third major work, Suicide: A Study in Sociology, a case study exploring the differing suicide rates among Protestants and Catholics and arguing that stronger social control among Catholics results in lower suicide rates. By 1902, Durkheim had finally achieved his goal of attaining a prominent position in Paris when he became the chair of education at the Sorbonne. Durkheim also served as an advisor to the Ministry of Education. In 1912, he published his last major work, The Elementary Forms of The Religious Life, a book that analyzes religion as a social phenomenon. Émile Durkheim died of a stroke in Paris on November 15, 1917, and is buried in the citys Montparnasse Cemetery.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why the Rainforests Destruction Should Be Prohibited

Why the Rainforests Destruction Should Be Prohibited The most important thing we can do – is to care. We have to care about the world we live in, the beauty we are surrounded by, the life that flourishes around. Forests Are the Lungs of the Earth Earth is beautiful. The 30% of its land area is covered with forests. These are the environs that play an important role in the planet functionality. They help control climate, regulating atmospheric gasses and maintaining rainfalls. More than 50% of the world’s species consider rainforests to be their home. But. Every minute, forest the size of 20 football fields is felled. Every day we lose about 80, 000 acres of tropical rainforests. Experts agree, that in 100 years the remaining forests will disappear. We surely can plant another tree. But can we plant another ecology? WARNING! GLOBAL WARMING! Nowadays the largest forest fell occurs in the following countries: Brazil Indonesia Democratic Republic Congo Malaysia Bolivia Columbia Peru Myanmar Cote d’Ivoire Madagascar Venezuela Cambodia Vietnam Laos Why Are the Rainforests so Important? Rainforests help control the weather and the overall planet temperature. Only Amazon produces about 20% of the oxygen. But that’s not the full list:   Rainforests had been evolving for about 100 million years, thus they came to be home for more than 35 million species of animals and plants. Deforestation will kill them all.   Forests provide oxygen humans cannot live without. Moreover, they absorb the harmful carbon dioxide, WE release. What do we have? We release carbon dioxide that kills us and we kill rainforests that could save us. The irony of fate.   A quarter of all the medicines we have today come from the plants grown in the rainforest. And this is only 1% of all the plants explored! What if we explore 100% of the rainforests plants? Probably we would have cures for all the diseases bothering us today. But again – we kill what can really save us.   Forests regulate rainfalls, filtering water and supplying it to the rivers and irrigation systems. Our planet must be extremely thankful, so must be we.   Rainforests are home for indigenous people, as still may tribes live in the heart of the rainforests all around the world. The whole scope of deforestation process is horrifying. By killing the oldest ecosystem on the planet, we are losing the chance to live a fulfilled life on this planet. Our planet is such a beautiful place in the universe, we cannot let it die. Why Are the Rainforests Felled? The main cause of deforestation is humans. We find so many reasons for the rainforests cutting down: Agriculture Wood for hardwood Road establishing Pulp for paper making paper Land for living Grazing land These motives tell only one thing – people want the civilization to rule, but in 100 years, when rainforests disappear, we will prefer something different at all. Now we still have time for the big change to happen. WE must be this change. Otherwise, it will be too late. See also: What Electric Cars Are Doing to Reduce Global Pollution Levels? What Can We Do about Global Deforestation? So, what should we do to help save at least some of the remaining forests? Tip 1. People are consumers in nature. Now we have to consume wisely. Recycling the products that made from trees (like paper) allows using them repeatedly. In such a way, we decrease the need for these products, thus – in the trees. Tip 2. There  are companies, that are environmentally friendly, they do not make any damage to nature and are of high quality. Many companies also sell products made out of recycled material. Such items are more expensive, but ecology is priceless. Tip 3. Try to eat less meat. Lower demand for meat is lower demand for grazing land. Fewer grazing lands – more forests. Tip 4. Read newspapers and magazines online. Tip 5. Plant a tree, or two, or the forest. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND GREEN CITIZENSHIP The most important thing we can do – is to CARE. We have to care about the world we live in, the beauty we are surrounded by, the life that flourishes around. Indifference will never make a change. We are the ones who can do it. My grandparents lived at the forest. When I was little I used to play there, have picnics with my family and friends, read my favorite books, dream big or just listen. That was a great time spent with the closest people in the amazing place. A year ago, it was felled. Every tree of my dream-place was cut down. Birds do not sing there anymore. I do not walk there anymore. It’s just an empty spot on the map and the hole in my heart. They fell our forests to construct the road, but they ruined much more. It’s not only the problem of the rainforests disappearing. It’s a matter of every tree growing at the house or in the park.   We have a big problem which needs an immediate solution. We cannot stay aside from this. Together we can stop the deforestation disaster.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Analysis two readings about Race and Ethnicity in American Culture Essay

Analysis two readings about Race and Ethnicity in American Culture - Essay Example Why? The Klan was naturally concerned about Hill’s activities as this enabled Hill to mobilize African Americans and educate them as to their civil and social rights. By educating African Americans, Hill could help them meet the literacy requirement and make them eligible to vote. He could pass on the information in the Republican newspaper to all African Americans. 3. Why did the Klan use such brutal violence against Hill and his relatives? Hill and his relatives were singled out for brutal violence due to Hill’s position as President of the Union League and the Klan’s belief that, as a preacher, he was instrumental in mobilizing African Americans to exercise their franchise. Hill’s correspondence with A.S. Wallace could instigate Congressional investigations into Klan activities. The Klan did not randomly choose people to terrorize. Hill was specifically targeted for his activities. 4. What significance, if any, should be attributed to the Klan’s demand that Hill pray for them? No significance need be attributed to the Klan’s demand that Hill pray for them, as the Klan appears to be totally committed to violence and the intimidation of African Americans. Their demand may be seen in the light of sarcasm, as Hill was a preacher. Document 3: The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism. 1. What did Evans mean by â€Å"the American race?† How was such a â€Å"race† formed? By â€Å"the American race† Evans meant the Americans whose ancestors belonged to the â€Å"old pioneer stock† (Evans, 126). This race was formed by the descendants of the pioneers who founded the nation. These pioneers were largely of Northwestern European heritage. 2. Why was the â€Å"Nordic American today --- a stranger?† The influx, and growing political clout, of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, including Jews and Catholics, undermined the dominance of the Nordic American. Protestant morals declined: Jews cel ebrated Sabbath on Saturday and religious instruction was banned in public schools. World War I demonstrated immigrants’ loyalty to their country of origin. 3. Why was â€Å"hyphenism† important? In what sense was â€Å"the melting pot --- a ghastly failure?† â€Å"Hyphenism† was important as it demonstrated that immigrants retained a dual identity and did not consider themselves as just Americans. The ‘Melting-pot’ metaphor was a failure as the various immigrant groups retained their unique ethnic practices and did not assimilate completely into American society. An immigrant might argue that retaining the ethnic practices of one’s country of origin enriched American culture and made it more vibrant. 4. Why did Evans believe â€Å"Liberalism† amount to â€Å"national, racial and spiritual treason?† â€Å"Liberalism† unconditionally accepted and aided immigrants, and therefore betrayed the interests of the old Nord ic race of Americans. The ideals of secularism changed the nature of American society and religion. A ‘Liberal’ might argue that philanthropy was open to all Americans and immigrants contributed to the advancement of American society in several fields. 3. Had the goals of the Klan changed from the Reconstruction era to the 1920’s? The goals of the Klan had definitely changed from the Reconstruction era to the 1920’s. This is unequivocally demonstrated by the two documents. In the Reconstruction era, as represented by Elias Hill’s testimony, the goal of the Klan was to serve as a vigilante group targeting African Americans and ensuring that

Maritime Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Maritime Operations - Essay Example (The ISM code, 2010) (ii) It should ensure a safe working place is maintained on board ship. (iii) Identify areas where accidents can occur on board ship and provide measures for rectification.( The ISM code, 2010) (iv) Upgrade the ability of persons on board to react immediately in case of emergency per safety manuals. (v) The safety manuals and codes have been developed after years of research and feedback generated by shipping personnel over years of experience in facing different distress situations. Hence the crew should always be encouraged to follow the safety instructions and treat the code as a valuable piece of guidance. (The ISM Code, 2007) Therefore it is quite clear from the objectives that the human element is quite clearly addressed in the ISM code and guidelines have been prescribed to reduce operational risk. It is with these intentions that the Maritime Labour Convention of 2006 and the STCW 1978 were conducted and guidelines to avoid human risk were evolved. Mariti me labour Convention 2006 Since the Maritime labour Convention as a document covers a whole gamut of areas and stipulations, the primary areas of reference regarding reducing operational risk of seafarers shall be discussed here. This convention consists of a series of conventions which deals with the scope, rights and responsibilities of seafarers. Here Title 1 deals with the minimum qualification a seafarer must possess for him do his job efficiently thus mitigating accident risk to fellow crew and the ship. Title 2 deals with the minimum wages, hours of rest, period of leave and the manning levels of the seafarers. Title 3 deals with his accommodation and food that is provided on board. Therefore Title 2 and Title 3 deals with the psychological aspect of the person as only an optimum amount of rest would ensure that he performs his watch keeping duty diligently. Title 4 covers measures that the ship has adopted for accident prevention and medical care facilities on board in case of any injury. The ship should also be provided with efficient communication that could inform the land and have the injured person airlifted to the nearest medical facility. (Maritime Labour Convention, 2006) The regulation and code is then further arranged in to a series of five titles. These are (i) Title 1- The minimum age of entry should be sixteen years. Night duty for people below 18 years is banned. Night duty is also defined as one which begins before midnight and ends before 5am. Work that may have an adverse effect on the health of an individual should be avoided if he is below 18 years.( Cleopatra Doumbia, 2009) Seafarers who have not passed the medical tests prior to each sail shall be prohibited from joining ship and taking up duties. Medical certificates to prove the legitimacy must be provided on joining board. The seafarer should be adequately trained in carrying out watch keeping duties and should have carry all the relevant certificates regarding safety like basic fire fighting, first aid among others. (Maritime Labour Convention, 2006) (ii) Title 2- This encourages the shipping companies to adopt a more humane approach to the seafarer employer agreements so that his mind remains focussed when at work away from other external